Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New CSI Publication with DAIDS, NIAID

CSI's Dr. Scott Rosas and Marie Cope co-authored a paper titled "Assessing the challenges of multi-scope clinical research sites: an example from NIH HIV/AIDS clinical trials networks," which was recently published in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (online publication November 13, 2013).  The study examined the use of multi-network clinical research sites as a means of gaining efficiency and capacity for the networks, and the associated challenges with multi- versus single-network sites.  

The paper is a result of CSI's multi-year collaborative evaluation work with the Division of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (DAIDS) at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Office of HIV/AIDS Network Coordination (HANC).  To view the full abstract, click here

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Connect to CSI through Social Media

Did you know that CSI is on other social media platforms?  Make sure you like us on Facebook, connect with us on Linkedin, and follow us on Twitter.  And don't forget to visit our group concept mapping Wiki page.  Now there are more ways to stay in touch with us and to meet other group concept mappers.  Visit our pages and tell us about your recent experiences with group concept mapping.  We can't wait to hear from you!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

COP Member Presents at NAPCRG 2013

This week a member of CSI's Centers of Practice© (COP) Program, Dr. Chris Morley, presented a group concept mapping project at the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting in Ottawa.  The project, titled "Essential Public Health Competencies for Medical Trainees: Establishing a Consensus," used group concept mapping to gather input from diverse stakeholders across the country on key public health competencies for physicians-in-training.  The project was supported by the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine's Group on Public Health Education (Chair Dr. Jake Prunuske), and the results will be used to determine the most critical public health training to incorporate into undergraduate and post-graduate medical curricula. 

Dr. Morley is an Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Family Medicine at SUNY Upstate Medical University and his research focuses on health disparities.  To view Dr. Morley's latest conference highlights on Twitter, click here.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Group Concept Mapping Highlights at APHA

Want to know what's happening at the American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting right now?  Here's a photo of Dr. Lynda Anderson in front of her poster presentation on the use of group concept mapping to design an integrated framework for the CDC's Healthy Aging Mobility Project. 

For the latest updates, you can follow APHA conference highlights on Twitter or Facebook (search "#apha13").  Here's what conference participants are saying about CSI: "ConceptSysInc provides a way to facilitate concept mapping online!" @LindaVoGreen and "Looks really cool!" @SEAFacil.