Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New Group Concept Mapping Publication on Cancer Treatment and Exercise

Sean Joseph Fitzpatrick and Sam Zizzi recently published an article in the American Journal of Health Education titled "Using Concept Mapping to Identify Action Steps for Physical Activity Promotion in Cancer Treatment."  Fitzpatrick and Zizzi used group concept mapping to gather ideas from both researchers and oncologists on how to incorporate exercise as part of the standard cancer care following treatment.  As explained, current research suggests that many cancer survivors have lower activity levels following diagnosis, and many oncologists are not promoting physical activity.  Group concept mapping helped the groups better understand and address gaps between research and practice.  To view the full article, click here

Monday, February 10, 2014

Intro Webinar Series is Now Free

We are now offering our Introduction to Group Concept Mapping two-part webinar series free of charge!  The webinars were developed for those who are new to group concept mapping, and they provide an interactive overview of the group concept mapping methodology and its potential uses.  Participants get hands-on experience using the newly updated CS Global MAXTM software, and they get to ask questions about their potential projects.  The next webinar series is March 4 and 11 from 3:00-4:30pm EST.  For more information and to sign up, click here