Monday, October 28, 2013

Getting Ready for APHA: Group Concept Mapping for Public Health and Health Care

Going to APHA next week?  CSI has compiled a comprehensive bibliography of public health and health care research applications of group concept mapping for research, advocacy and planning.  We’re posting it here, for you to have before the conference.  Additionally, click here, for more group concept mapping topical bibliographies.

Come visit us at Booth #934, for more information on group concept mapping and how it can support your own research.  See you there!  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Intro Webinar November 6 & 13

New to group concept mapping?  Want to know how it works?  The next Introduction to Group Concept Mapping two-part webinar series is quickly approaching - November 6 and 13 from 3:00-4:30 pm EST.  This two-session webinar is an interactive overview of the group concept mapping methodology and its potential uses, and participants get hands-on experience with the newly updated CS Global MAXTM software. 

Here's what a recent participant had to say about it: "It was super informative and interesting!  Thanks for the support."  For more information and to sign up, click here.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

CSI at APHA November 2-6

Are you going to the next American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting in Boston from November 2-6?  If so, check out CSI's exhibit booth (#934) to find out how group concept mapping can be an effective tool for your next public health planning and evaluation project.  CSI's Brenda Pepe and Alyssa Goldman will run demos of our newly updated group concept mapping software, CS Global MAXTM.  And it's our 20th birthday!  Alyssa and Brenda will be handing out 20% off coupons for our products and services - our gift to you.  For more information about our exhibit both at the APHA Annual Meeting, click here.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Software Demos at AEA Conference

Look for CSI's tech wizard Mike Huffman, Associate Manager of Operations, at our American Evaluation Association (AEA) Conference exhibit booth this week.  Mike will run demos of our latest CS Global MaxTM group concept mapping software.  Come see the newest advances in terms of its ease of use and enhanced visuals, like graphic comparisons of different map solutions, participant reports, and simple participant input pages.  So far, two demos have been scheduled on October 18 at 11:50am and 4:15pm, immediately following presentations by CSI's Brenda Pepe and Dr. Scott Rosas.  Additional demos are available by request.  And while you're at our exhibit booth, don't forget to pick up your 20% off coupons for our products and services as part of CSI's 20th birthday celebration.    

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

CSI Presenting with New Knowledge at AEA

CSI's Brenda Pepe will contribute to a panel discussion on Collective Evaluation Efforts to Integrate Environmental and STEM Topics towards E-STEM Practice at the American Evaluation Association (AEA) Conference in Washington, DC on October 18 at 11am.  Dr. Rupu Gupta and Dr. John Fraser, leading researchers at New Knowledge Organization, will describe their use of group concept mapping to identify and organize emerging trends and gaps in environmental education and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) with the goal of shaping the future of E-STEM.  Ms. Pepe will highlight the techniques of applying group concept mapping to frame the results and support the collaborative evaluation.  New Knowledge Organization is a non-profit research institute that "works to expand the understanding of how knowledge is acquired and acted upon."

While you're at AEA, don't forget to visit our exhibit booth where we are giving away 20% off coupons for our products and services in celebration of our 20th anniversary. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Idea Synthesis Webinar October 7

You've asked and we've answered.  Based on client demand, CSI has added another Idea Synthesis Webinar to its schedule--coming up soon, on October 7 from 9:30am to 11:30am EST.  If you're conducting a group concept mapping project now or in the near future, you may want to join us so that you are ahead of the game when you need to synthesize the statements in preparation for the important structuring and rating activities.  Idea synthesis is a critical component of group concept mapping, and it involves qualitative analyses to synthesize the brainstormed ideas into a manageable set of statements that "saturate" the topic of your project; sorting and rating follow. 

During this interactive, two-hour webinar, you'll learn the major steps and best practices of the idea synthesis process, and we will answer your project-specific questions.  CSI's webinar series provide a cost effective and efficient way to learn more about group concept mapping.  Click here to sign up today!

CSI Presentation to CDC's OSH

Last week CSI's President and CEO, Mary Kane, virtually "visited" the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health (OSH).  She talked with 30 program managers from all over the country about group concept mapping as a relevant and effective methodology for program planning and evaluation at their CDC-funded sites.  Sharing some close-to-home examples, Mary described the approach and the tools that support it, demonstrating the ease with which a conceptual framework developed through group concept mapping can become the foundation for an extensive evaluation.  Here's what one participant had to say about it:  "I love the concept mapping evaluation method, and plan to preview the Kane/Trochim resource."

CSI is available to talk with any group about our work and how we might support your research.  For more information about our products and services, including our online and in-person training options, click here.