Monday, October 14, 2013

Software Demos at AEA Conference

Look for CSI's tech wizard Mike Huffman, Associate Manager of Operations, at our American Evaluation Association (AEA) Conference exhibit booth this week.  Mike will run demos of our latest CS Global MaxTM group concept mapping software.  Come see the newest advances in terms of its ease of use and enhanced visuals, like graphic comparisons of different map solutions, participant reports, and simple participant input pages.  So far, two demos have been scheduled on October 18 at 11:50am and 4:15pm, immediately following presentations by CSI's Brenda Pepe and Dr. Scott Rosas.  Additional demos are available by request.  And while you're at our exhibit booth, don't forget to pick up your 20% off coupons for our products and services as part of CSI's 20th birthday celebration.    

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