Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Group Concept Mapping Presentation at NAPCRG

Dr. Lara Carson Weinstein, Assistant Professor at Thomas Jefferson University, recently presented at the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting on her breast cancer screening research using group concept mapping.  Dr. Weinstein's presentation, titled "Exploring Barriers and Facilitators to Breast Cancer Screening in Formerly Homeless Women With Serious Mental Illness Through Concept Mapping," discussed the use of group concept mapping as a means of gathering information from this severely marginalized population. 

Participants included 27 formerly homeless women with severe mental illness, and they rated past experience with breast cancer risk factors and use of support systems as the most important factors for obtaining a mammogram, and comfort/motivation as the most feasible factor to address.  The results of this study will be used to create breast cancer screening and prevention interventions for women and their support staff.  For more information about Dr. Weinstein's presentation (Session Number CR11), click here

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